*Spell Sharing - Natural Remedy*
Daikon Honey
This is a very popular Japanese natural remedy for common colds. Both Honey and daikon have anti-bacterial benefits, and this mixture relieves coughing and soothes your sore throat. Since daikon is rich in enzymes, it helps your digestion systems too. Trust me, it helps!
1. Peel daikon skin. 2. Cut daikon into bite sizes pieces and place them in a glass jar. 3. Pour enough honey to cover the daikon. 4. Let them sit for at least 2-3 hours or overnight. (You will see daikon juice seeping out and becoming honey-mixed daikon extract.) 5. Keep the jar in the refrigerator. It will be good for 3-5 days. (Keep making fresh small portions.)
Sip it straight like syrup or mix it with cold/hot water. You can eat daikon as is or use it for other meals. Also, you can make this with shredded or finely chopped daikon - heat shredded daikon honey with milk (or milk alternatives), apple sauce, and ginger for a warm soothing drink.
1. 大根の皮を剥く。 2. 大根を一口大に切り、容器に入れる。 3. 大根の表面がかぶるくらいのはちみつを注ぐ。 4. 2、3時間から一晩置く。(大根エキスがはちみつに馴染んできます。) 5. 冷蔵庫で保管し、3−5日で使い切ります。(使い切るくらいの量をこまめに作るのがいいでしょう。)