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Let's taste our life.
Up-Coming Events/Workshops
Due to the current COVID-19 circumstances, all in-person events and workshops are on hold right now. Although we are so aware of the importance and high demands of our connection to our family, our own life, others, and our community more than ever, our health and safety are our most priority. For now, we look forward to keeping connecting with you through life sampling in a bag or any future virtual workshops. Please stay tuned!
Past Events/Workshops
There are some reports of our previous events and workshops we planned and organized in Portland and Japan.
my life and ritual sampling event
<<お話会のご案内>> いきなりですが、明日から3週間ほど帰国します(笑)。そして、エディブルスクールヤードジャパンの堀口博子さんにお声がけいただき、年明けにお話会をさせていただくことになりました。 会場は、恵比寿「景丘の家」。世代を超え人と人をつなげ、そこに行けば、温かい...
Workshop with Edible School Yard Japan
2014年より、食べられる授業「エディブルスクールヤード」の実践を行っている東京都多摩市愛和小学校。 今回はその愛和小学校にて、ポートランドの暮らしを目と耳と、手と心で体感するギャザリングを行うこととなりました。 子供の健康で健全な成長を祈り、積極的にエディブルスクールヤー...
Food Industry Research
Miso Making with KBOO Radio
\\KBOO Food Show// A couple weeks ago, Emily from Portland local radio station KBOO came to my house to make miso with me. She recorded...
Workshop at People's Coop
Onigiri (rice balls) & Onigirazu (rice sandwiches) Workshop September 21 (Sat) 2:00-4:00 at People’s Coop Come join us to learn how to...
PSU Chef in the Market
We did the food demo at PSU farmers market and created ball shaped temari sushi and saved ice samples with their fresh produces we had...
Lents Farmers Market Demo
Chef in the Market at Lents Farmers Market was successfully done too! Cooking with the fresh seasonal produces was simply fun, and we...
PSU Farmers Market
Getting the beautiful seasonal vegetables from PSU farmers market to get ready for our “chef in the market” food demonstration next week,...
2nd Annual Community Miso Making
Our second annual community miso making was done at the beautiful Vibrant Valley Farm in the best way we could ask for. We made miso with...
Make Your Own Bowls Workshop
On the beautiful Easter Day, we organized “make your own bowl workshop” with a group of Japanese visitors. 日本からお越しの方々と「ボウルつくり」のワークショップ。...
Parenting Workshop
春の陽気が気持ちの良い土曜日の朝、ポートランドで幼児教育の現場に関わる3人の先生方をお招きして、「明日から子育てが楽になるお話会」を開催しました。 対象年齢も学校の形態も違う3人の先生方ですが、3人の伝えたい想いとメッセージは、イベントを企画した私たちのそれと同じ。「日頃か...
Deconstruction Event Report
Our “Deconstruction” night was done with wonderful community people. It was not only a dinner gathering but also a special ceremony to...
「個性を大切に」と思いながらも、やんちゃ過ぎるわが子の対応に疲弊する日々。「イヤイヤ期」だって大事な過程というけれど、付き合っていたら何もできない、進まない。怒ってばかり、ため息ばかりで自己嫌悪に陥る始末。 それは決してあなただけの問題ではありません。育児書通り、理想通り...
PDX food swap
I joined pdxfoodswap last Sunday. My shio Koji and miso (soy and chickpea) were all traded with amazing local homemade foods like 2 types...
Forest School Experience
Deconstruction - Our New Food Event
Come join us for the Pop-Up Dinner with "Deconstruction" theme. Deconstruction is not equal to demolition. Instead, it means “breaking...
Temari Sushi at Redd Opening
Lola from Umi Organic and I organized Temari shushi food demonstration at Redd, Eco Trust new event venue. We prepared 8 plates with...
Redd Opening Food Demo
The Redd on Salmon Street is an amazing food and community hub created by nonprofit Ecotrust. This Saturday, I will do a cooking demo...
Ongiri & Onigirazu demonstration
I had such a fun food demonstration yesterday. To be honest, I was a little overwhelmed by the big audience, but actually I really...
Japanese Cooking Demo
Onigiri (rice ball) and Onigirazu (rice sandwich) food demonstration at Mochitsuki today! Mochitsuki (Japanese new year celebration /...
Web article
I had a great opportunity to write an article about Portland, our LIFE sampling projects, my family and friends although it written in...
New Food Event
DECONSTRUTION - an Educational evening of Japanese Food & Culture - benefiting the California Wildfire Relief Fund Please come join us...
Okara miso + BF club
Japanese breakfast club+okara miso opening day! We made unique miso 6 months ago with okara, the left over pulp after making tofu....
A traditional Japanese way of enjoying the color of fall orange. - drying persimmons “hoshigaki”. See you in my stomach in a month....
School tours and activities with local families
Japanese Heartwarming Film US First Screening is Coming Soon!
Loving process over convenience. Spending time rather than money. Shuichi Tsubata, 90 years old. Hideko Tsubata, 87 years old. In order...
便利よりも手間を愛で お金よりも時間をためて。 「年を重ねるとともに美しくなる人生」をモットーに 本当の豊かさを思索しながら暮らしを作り上げてきた 津端修一さん90歳、英子さん87歳。 戦後日本の団地文化を牽引しながら 50年に及んで「自然と人間の共生」を貫き続けた...
Alternative School Tours
"Create Your Own Life"( SHIFT program)
幸せな世界と、幸せな自分のあり方を体験を通して感じてもらおうと企画されているSHIFT in Portland (の1日をファシリテートさせていただきました。この日のテーマは「暮らしをつくる」。ポートランドのローカルたち...
Community Miso Making
We hosted our first farm miso making event (MOM: Making Our Miso)! At the beautiful Vibrant Valley Farm on Sauvie Island, we made a big...
Pop Up Village in Japan
Yuri from LIFE sampling has launched her new project in Japan for summer 2018 and beyond! 2018 Summer Pop Up Village Open in Japan! In a...
Forest Day
Family Picnic
Local House Visit
Neighborhood Bike Ride
日本からいらしたグループの方々と、自転車に乗ってネイバーフット・コミュニティ探索。住宅街のあちこちにある「集いの場所」を巡り、「生活しやすい秘密」を探しに。 みんなが役割分担をし、コミュニティ参加型の部分とプライバシーの保護という部分のバランスを大切にしながら地球に優しくみ...
LIFE sampling projects in Japan
故郷デザインしてきます! お互いの時間、場所、経験、スキルを共有し、 あなたの「ふつう」と私の「ふつう」を体験する。 生まれた場所や、住んでいる場所に関わらず、 「ただいま」と帰りたくなる場所、 「おかえり」と迎えてくれる家族を作ろう。...
Onigiri Workshop
We did an onigiri (Japanese rice ball) making workshop at Japanese mochitsuki event yesterday. This year, I received help from the world...
Miso Making Workshop
hawn Linehan, a professional photographer and our friend joined our miso making workshop and shared great photos she took!...
Morinobe Field Trip in Portland
「森の学校をつくりたい」本気でそう思っています。 学校という枠を超えた、みんなの「場」をつくりたいと思っています。 美しく壮大な森の中で、新鮮な野菜と、技術と知識に溢れる地域の人に囲まれて。 みんなが帰ってきたくなるような、困ったことがあったら、いつでも立ち寄れるような、...
Good morning from Miyoshi
Our first morning in Tokushima started from Miyoshi City. What a luxury view it was!
Hello again Tokushima!
Matt from Jeans Farm and I arrived in Tokushima prefecture in Japan for our collaboration events and workshops. This was Matt's 3rd and...
Temari Sushi Workshop
At the Japanese mochitsuki event yesterday, I did "temari sushi" food demonstration. Can you see all the different colors always bring so...
Public Family Chatting at Kobakaba
Collaborated with Uppon from Kobakaba, a sweet community and seasonal based restaurant in Kamakura, Japan, and a professional...
Syokuyabo Event Report
Event report by Keisuke Uchibori about our Farm to Table event at Shokuyabo. Thank you! 横須賀SYOKU-YABO農園 meets ポートランドのポップアップランチ無事終了〜! ...
Shokuyabo Even Report
Event Report by Riko Kawano ポートランドの食のヒトと、日本の食のヒトが作り出す、こだわりたっぷりの「美味しい時間」を共有してきました。ポートランドのfarm to tableのシェフMegan Denton...
Miso Making Workshop
Date1: Dec 13 (Tue) 6:30pm - 8:30 pm Date2: Dec 14 (Wed) 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: SE Portland (Eastmoreland Area) Fee: $60 including all...
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