✳︎Spell Sharing - Natural Remedy✳︎
Bee Sting Remedies (Easily accessible items)
Garlic: Crush a garlic to release garlic juice and press it against the sting
Baking Soda: Mix baking soda with water to make a paste and put it on the sting
Plantain: Chew up plantain leaves to release the juice and press the juicy leaves against the sting
Toothpaste: Apply toothpaste on the sting
Mud: Rub dry mud or mud paste (mud+water) on the sting. Clean well later.
I know bee stings are painful, but please remember bees are our friends and protector of our food sources. Plant bee-friendly flowers and crate healthy environment for them!
にんにく: にんにくを潰し、汁を患部に塗る
ベイキングソーダ: 水と混ぜペースト状にしたものを患部につける
オオバコ: 葉っぱを噛み砕き、汁の出た葉っぱを患部につける
歯磨き粉: 患部に塗る